I am shopping at Costco with my husband on a Saturday afternoon.  A decent day, I woke up in a good mood, sun is shining,  everyone is getting along, stomach sastisfied, no complaints, no pending issues, life is good, so it seems.  Almost to the check out line and I realise I forgot something.  I hurry back to grab it while my husband selects a checkout line.  On my way back to the front of the store I turn down one  isle (heading towards the center of the store) to avoide a traffic jam of people, and as I am approaching the end of this isle I look up and directly in front of me was a large painting on display.  

What is happening to me?  I cannot take my eyes off this painting.  I cannot move any part of my body.  I am stuck, frozen and sobbing!  Yes that is right, sobbing.  Tears pouring down my face, gasping for air, crying, no I am SOBBING  I cannot stop staring at this painting and I have no control of my emotions either.  After a few minutes I manage to get my body to move and I continue on to my husband.  I am visibly upset but signal to him that I am alright and his intervention is not needed  at this time. Soon as we are outside he wants to know what is going on with me and I am very eager to tell him. 

The painting was either water-color or oil very large (full wall size) framed in dark wood.  This was a very nice work of art,  The picture was a man riding a buffalo (possibly bison) leading three or four other big game across a river or wide creek to the other side.  The area may have been the Plains or an area that looked like the Plains.  I never seen this painting before nor was it something I would normally be attracted to.   

Well, I just do not know what happened that day…

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